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Data Pack Contents

Airborne Dust

Dust - EPICA.gif Figure “Aeolian (air-borne) Dust and temperature from the EPICA ice-core”
EPICA-Temp-Dust Data used to produce the graph

Sea Ice

Arctic sea ice 1870 to 2008.csv Long term arctic sea ice from 1870 to 2008. The file has annual mean, maximum and minimum seasonal values. The file has 3 columns, 142 rows and 552 not-blank items.
SeaIce-02.csv Monthly sea from 1978 to 2011. The file has monthly values of sea ice extent for the Arctic and the Antarctic.
Arctic ice.csv Northern hemisphere sea ice area volume and thickness - October 1998 to October 2011.

Sea Levels

Sea-levels.csv The file has monthly sea level from tide gauges for two tide gauges based records: one from 1807, one from 1870. It also has monthly levels from the Jason/Poseidon satellite systems from 1993 to present.
Pacific islands.csv The data used to produce the above plots of Pacific Island sea level.
Maldives.csv The file has monthly data for three stations in the Maldives from 1987 to 2003.

Snow Cover

MonthlySnowCover.csv The data file used to produce the monthly plot of snow cover.
AnnualSnowCover.csv The data files used to produce the plots of annual, summer and winter snow cover.

Tropical Cyclones

Storms.csv Annual data from 1851 to 2007 of Atlantic storms which make landfall. There are 5 columns of number storms which equal or exceed a given level and 5 columns of moving average data. The file has 1679 non-blank items.
ACEAtlantic.csv The calculated values of ACE from 1851 to 2008 for the Atlantic.
ACEPacific.csv The calculated values of ACE from 1949 to 2008 for the Pacific.